That time when I was too excited...

That time,
When I was too excited to notice.
Have you noticed this thing about attention?
The more excited you get, the less attentive you turn to be.
No, not a philosophical journey,
It was just a poet's Observatory.
Yeah, so what I was telling about,
That time,
When I was to excited to notice.
Notice what?
The green pants of my comrade,
Or that neighbors dense braids,
The smell of burning wire in the environment,
Or that little crooked line on your head?
See, I remember all those details.
I remember how those little buds of fire crackled,
I remember how some of the audience were flustered,
The smudge created on my name,
The shimmering light that those candles shed,
I remember all those.
Excitement made me forget about myself,
The core of my soul brightens
And my memory starts losing I, Me, Myself.
I don't remember whether I laughed or cried,
I don't even remember whether I looked surprised,
I don't remember my teeths gaping out (not at all),
Nor do I remember holding that knife like a pole.
Fogged image supplemented by these,
Formed my memory of myself for me,
The euphoria I felt seeped away long ago,
But my memory could never forget its warm glow,
Warning my intestines, as well as heart,
I was glad that in memories I liked more graceful than this goofing art.
~ Raj Nandani
#wrapthefury #wrapitrj #words #napowrimo #napowrimo2020 #coronadiary #coronavid19 #covid19 #lockdown #me #mediaclubmmvbhu #mediaclubmmv #myself #excited #forgot 


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