
Chatting day and night,
They used to create surprise,
Even the mundane things of life
Become some passionate point.
The first heartbreak,
The stupid scuffles,
The sneaked up beers,
The DIY skirts,
Shared them all,
even when they were inaccessible
To each other.
Never agreed on one subject,
Yet teased the hell out of
each other's every special object.
Naming them over things they kick,
Be it a name, place, animal or thing.
Secrets were shared as well as kept,
Surprises waiting at the end of YJHD like treks.
Not only love but fight was also shared,
Sometimes just stupid topics were the reasons of flare,
Yet they found tears and virtual hugs,
To maintain their friendship and have someone to cuss.

Cursing and swearing they showered love,
Laughs over video calls, screen recoreded to be bluffed,
The innocence was eminent,
Even when ego was dominant
Trait of both the numbskulls.
That's what I call essence of the bond,
That kept nothing but only cussing and love in hoard.
Friends and friendship, two complimentary emotions,
Near or far, it'll always remain
A committed devotion.
- Raj Nandani
Napowrimo 2020
Day 24
Poem 24
This poem might not be that good but this one is for you all. Don't let your friends forget you, disturb them, annoy them, fight them, and do whatever you want to do with them.
#napowrimo2020 #napowrimo #wrapthefury #wrapitrj #mediaclubmmv #mediaclubmmvbhu #friendship #coronadiary #covid19


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