Dreams and feelings

Dreams are
The things
That won't leave you
Even when you sleep.
The mind is layers and layers of thoughts,
Opens up every night when you stop,
Within it lies the burst of energies,
Chaos within the shell of subdued logic.
I let them seep out,
Through my mind, through me
Help them spew out
The fears, truth and raw psychology.
Inky soul of my existence bleeds its story in its own full glory,
Still the mortal memories demand words and thoughts to be explained in mortality.
Whenever I lose it or let it go,
I float upto the stars to have a convo,
Conflict arises everyday,
Swift progress towards demise and decay,
Synonyms are used to explain the situation,
Words combine it no sentences come.
Solo or in crowd, the dread follows around,
The late night conflicts within own shell,
Heart or mind, hound till hell.
The twist in the gut turns into bubbles,
Bursting and stabbing at the sight of any trouble.
Strange and weird!
That's what I use
To define what I feel whenever consumed,
So that I won't leave you utterly confused.
One in a million is enough for being lost,
Even by this ratio, it's more than we expect.
I need to wake up now,
Night is about to end and the dawn beckons,
It's time for me to desist this perception heist,
And be gone...
- Raj Nandani
Napowrimo 2020.
#napowrimo #wrapthefury #wrapitrj #mediaclubmmv #poem #dreams


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