Necessary disturbances
Bottles and swirling smoke,
Climbing up to the ceiling under cloak,
Tangled bodies lying on floor,
Unconscious people moaning alone,
Closed and packed up rooms
Filled up with bodies and grim and gloom
Still they all find some place
To set and adjust their face,
Empty wrappers and cigarette butts
Amidst the passages that will clog,
Chatter continue about some chic
Or some handsome and hunk who blinks
Nobody cares about others
No one's bothering to listen to the discussion matter
All saying things at once
Having thoughts in millions and tons
Tissues scattered as the food comes
People scattering more than once
The trumpet on the walls
Is pulled down and played in parts
Blaring melody without symphony
Yet crowd didn't scream in agony
They had their own parts
Dunked up till they weren't sharp
Sweat and puke smells mingled with jasmine
Creating the atmosphere of sweet sickly stink
Broken hearts and dark secrets
Spilled out without retreat
Turn by turn did everyone
Started to curse and swirl
Cries rang through the empty streets
Sobs racked up many dreams
Yet the people kept coming
No one going off to sleep
Music blaring but no one heard
Dancing on the floor as if they were fated
It was the melody
Around which hips gyrated
Slowly came the dawn,
The first light of morning
Through thick curtains did crawl,
Demons left the tired bodies
And they shifted one by one
Each moving to different destination
As if determined not to veer
I stood and watched
Engulfed in soft fear,
The sun rose,
And the room was empty once again
Just like, my heart has been all these years.
- Raj Nandani
Napowrimo 2020
Poem - 18
#wrapitrj #mediaclubmmv #silence #disturbances
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