
Retro looks and grainy pictures,
Tumbled out of diary,
I picked them up and smiled at them,
Staring at my uncle lost in reverie.
I searched him up on social media,
Found a dashing gentleman,
With some grey hair linings.
Smiling at ease,
The technology provides,
My eyes linger on telephone diary,
Now covered in dust and left carelessly,
Remembrance of the days of uncomplicated poetries.
Last pages filled with leaves and swirls,
And numbers noted in divergent curls,
With spiral space for writing instruments,
Tied to the thread with diary.
Even I remember
Some of the landline numbers
Who have now turned tragedies,
Love and quarrel,
Childhood battles,
All coming through spaces of memories.
I searched around and found a mound,
Dusted it and felt astound,
To find landline unharmed and in one piece.
My initials shone along with its body,
And I was the one who's now lost in nostalgic memories.
- Raj Nandani
Napowrimo 2020
Poem 27
#napowrimo #napowrimonttt2020 #napowrimoprompttt2020 #wrapthefury #wrapitrj #words #telephone #landline #reminiscences #mediaclubmmv 


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