It's not 3 am yet

 Excitement ran through her,

Readying her mind for the conversation ahead.

Her course was set,

Today was going to be about 

the new sitcom she has finished to win a bet.

He raved about his favourite song last night,

Explaining to her the stories behind.

And the night before that, 

They both had indulged 

in lengthy bitching of current government.

'Alas, these mundane thoughts!'

In her mind, all of them criscrossed.

In shuddering anticipation of the upcoming chaos,

She patiently waits at his door.

He comes out, ignores her, going right through her.

She gets bewildered and tries to push through him, but fails.

He began to go back into his room, 

Lingering tears waiting for her doom.

Then suddenly, she gasps,

Looks at her watch, and laughs,

Over her grave.

A smile floats upon her lips,

When there on ground she witnesses white tulips.

She nods towards the grave, 

Tears returning to stick around her face,

"I know it's not 3 am yet."



Raj Nandani


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