Now it's all over and darkness takes cover.

Only if you were able to check my search history,

Then you would've known,

How hell-bent was I to solve the mystery,

Of my own existence and my stance,

I want to know whether the mess within my head is real,

Are the monsters that gnaw away at my helm surreal?


The grumble in the tummy making me nauseated,

The fluttering in the chest, a distress signal,

The restless night I spend

Wondering about existence,

Genuinely debating whether 

I am really who I claim,

Or some mirage on this world parched of love.


The headache reminds me of my skull,

All hard and sturdy, saviour of my mind,

Yet vulnerable to the poetic devices and chaotic advises,

I wish to peek inside those hefty skulls

That you all wear over your shoulder,

Cooking fallacies and fantasies of all kind,

Determining and finding the paths ahead.



Many wouldn't be able to stand my words,

Many would've had abandoned the reading to mount on some splurge,

I'm glad you are here till end,

Would've been more glad to have you beside my earth,

Now it's all over and darkness takes cover.


- Raj Nandani
P. S. Don't message me telling that I've misspelled 'Believe'; a few things are intentional. Just like this poem.


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